Happy Friday

Late start getting ready for work. My usual route down to one lane had to take an alternate route. The reroute took longer than expected, so my daughter ended up being late for work.

I quickly developed road rage as I continued on the way to work.

I bumped a curb driving into work. My thermos leaked water into my backpack, getting my electronics wet and causing the black dye to run onto my desk.

Happy Friday.

August 12, 2022

Two weeks at the new job and the newness has worn off.

My boss is nice, but her need to have constant communication is wearing on me. The work-from-home equipment showed up at my desk unannounced; the amount of stuff and restricted configuration method left me with no place at home to set up this junk. The other day I went to lunch and returned to my desk to find a ladder with a maintenance man working on the ceiling in my cubicle space. I’m still having system access issues.

It’s been a janky experience.