February 14, 2024

Dressed in Black.

Today is Valentine’s Day. A committee at my job sent an email yesterday “encouraging you to get in the spirit by wearing your favorite Valentine’s Day colors.” So, I dressed in black; my wife found it hilarious.

January 20, 2024

Listening to the rain.

I dreamed about my grandsons; we were hanging out and preparing for a trip. Everything felt like a virtual reality game. I shared a story with them about getting hit by a car and knocked off my feet (which never happened in reality).

I woke up to inclement weather. I decided to watch “Uncut Gems” starring Adam Sandler; it was a decent film. Now, I’m working on art and listening to the rain.

Happy Saturday.

March 6, 2023

The strange vibe during my morning drive.

Everyone is feeling better and getting back into their routines.

Last night, I watched “The Last of Us” episode 8, which was excellent. This series overall is well done. I am looking forward to next week’s season finale.

I didn’t sleep well due to wind gusts throughout the night. This might account for that strange vibe during my morning drive.

Have a great day and Happy Monday.

December 21, 2022

Winter is officially here.

This morning I learned that Franco Harris died.

Winter is officially here.

Last night, my wife shared a situation that happened at our local tire shop. She needed a tire repaired and waited 3-hours and during her wait, a man arrived needing his tire repaired and didn’t want to wait.

It is important to note both my wife and the man were walk-ins.

Moments later, the man’s car was ready for pick up but my wife was still waiting for the tire repair. When my wife followed up she learned that the man “tipped” the service writer in order to move ahead of the line. She made it a teaching moment because she didn’t want that to happen to someone else.

I didn’t go to the company holiday party, last night. Based on what I was told, I’m glad I didn’t. Cougars, cliques, and drunks – oh my.

Lazy Writing


I remember working with a technical writer who didn’t write technical documentation.

He had the subject matter experts write them and submit them.

He took their document submissions and put them in a predefined template for their review and approval.

The fact that no one challenged his process is what made it brilliant.

October 27, 2022

My mother-in-law was admitted to the hospital last night for observation. She fell earlier in the day, and the reason for the fall was heart-related. This morning, I learned that her condition is improving.

On my drive to work, I missed my freeway exchange; I think I was daydreaming. This has happened before and I should probably keep an eye on it.

Last night, I watched “Gabriel Iglesias – Stadium Fluffy” on Netflix. I needed the laugh.

September 27, 2022

Yesterday, I had a phone interview. I missed the first attempt because the recruiter’s number went to voicemail. I could connect, and midway through the call, my phone overheated. I had to wait for several minutes before reconnecting again.

The recruiter was very understanding about the situation.

September 25, 2022

The weekend is a blink of an eye.

My body is on a terrible cycle of much caffeine and insufficient sleep; I can’t stay awake during the day and sleep at night.

I have a phone interview tomorrow, and I’m still waiting for the call details.

My boss rescheduled our Monday 1:1 session again. I can’t make it during that time. I don’t think she cares, honestly.

The Washington Commanders lost again; I’m not surprised.

Will Smith’s birthday is today; I hope he’s found balance within the force.

Happy Friday

Late start getting ready for work. My usual route down to one lane had to take an alternate route. The reroute took longer than expected, so my daughter ended up being late for work.

I quickly developed road rage as I continued on the way to work.

I bumped a curb driving into work. My thermos leaked water into my backpack, getting my electronics wet and causing the black dye to run onto my desk.

Happy Friday.

June 15, 2022

A week ago, at work, there was a weird vibe; the atmosphere felt off. At night I’ve had stressful dreams. I couldn’t remember the details, but the sensation was memorable. On Monday, I learned that the company is implementing a hiring freeze and the position I’m recruiting to fill is on hold.

My cryptocurrency assets have taken a tumble. The value was $320 when I started, and now they’re worth $63.

I won’t be able to retire anytime soon.

May 5, 2022

The CEO continues to challenge me by asking me when I will have metrics for training. I told him this month. The problem is not only identifying the right key performance indicators but having to redo the training program because leadership didn’t give me the time to do this right in the first place.

I want to quit.

In April, three recruiters approached me with job opportunities and I had four interviews. It is May 5th, and I have not heard back on anything. I should follow up on the interviews.

I will continue looking.

The office is pushing for more social events. I am working 12-hour days to accommodate and get my work done. The business landscape is getting less conducive for introverts.

I don’t like this world.

April 13, 2022

Yesterday, I had an interview due to happenstance. I have a couple of panel interviews this week, so we will see what happens. Things may once again come full circle.

I had my first one-on-one with the new Vice President of Global Customer Success. He was apologetical 20-minutes late. We discussed his observations during his visit last week. It seems he wants to do the right things. Then we discussed my role.

“We don’t know what to do with you,” is the feedback I received.

My role is broad and uncategorized. I reflect on the original job description that enticed my interest. How did I get here?

I have realized that people don’t know what they are doing, which often happens at every level. The sad part is that I don’t know how to help them without causing further damage to my mental health.


Seeds of resurrection.

Childish games they continue playing. Those lingering lies were their truth as fairy tales.

I stepped away. For a moment, my thoughts I quietly transcribed—a world of burning embers. I returned, and everything I knew turned to ashes.

Memories no longer forgotten.

February 17, 2022

The atmosphere created a much darker mood this week. I’m feeling another increase in stress. I reached out to my former boss to check on him since his departure in January 2022. He says he’s doing fine, and I hope that’s the case.

I am applying to opportunities with better pay and compensation because doing what I enjoy is unaffordable. It’s time I started making time for the improvement of my well-being.

February 1, 2022

It’s the start of a Lunar New Year; every moment has caught me off guard. I took my daughter to work for her 5:45 am shift. We were 15 minutes early, and her trainer was 10 minutes late. A manager moved a class I scheduled to conduct tomorrow to today. This situation left me unprepared despite my concern; I had to do it regardless. I received critical feedback from a Finance Exec about a Learning Management System contract terms after giving the go-ahead. This situation was avoidable since she allegedly reviewed the contract and the proposal.

Today I learned that I should not trust one of my kids who like to gossip and is never wrong.

January 31, 2022

I am finally feeling better. Word on the street is that another variant of Omicron is in circulation. Double-masked for a while. The new normal.

Yesterday, I received a package from Brian; it was a set of legal documents for him to have administrative rights over my late father’s estate. An inciteful reminder of the wicked deeds.

There is a new moon tomorrow and the start of Chinese New Year, another beginning of unexpected events.

January 19, 2022

It’s been a year since my father’s passing. While I am coming to terms with his death, the situation that preceded the moment is unacceptable. My mother, the twins, and oldest sister knew he was ill (cancer)and did nothing to help him. Instead, they took his money and claimed his illness was God’s punishment for infidelity. The court had already passed judgment on my parent’s divorce, but the twins decided that wasn’t enough and guilted my father into giving my mother his part of the divorce settlement.

It’s alarming that one of the twins, a prominent editor, and president at the Wall Street Journal, deemed himself lord and master of my parent’s affairs and his sibling’s inheritance. His relationship with my mother is even more disturbing.