January 30, 2024

The day started “off.”

The day started “off” this morning; I woke up unable to recall my dream; I could feel it but not remember it. I did calisthenics and felt a slight pain in my left knee. I left for work later than planned; traffic seemed more congested. The atmosphere feels heavy; I hope the weight lightens soon.

January 4, 2024

The grind has replaced the American dream.

This morning, I weighed two pounds less than my previous weight, which is good. Ever since turning 55 years old, I constantly think about retirement and what I need to do in preparation. I’m not ready, and given the ever-increasing cost of living, the best-case scenario at 65 years old is “semi-retirement.

The grind has replaced the American dream. Anyway, back to work. Happy Thursday.

March 3, 2023

What is going on with my subconscious?

I’m having weird dreams again and they feel real. What is going on in my subconscious?

I watched The Mandalorian Season 3 Episode and Picard Season 3 Episode 3. Both episodes get 4 out of 5 “stars” from me.

The plague cycling through my household has reached my daughter. She now refers to me as “patient zero.

Have a great weekend.

January 6, 2023

I’m going to get fired.

I’m going to get fired.

A process efficiency project my boss assigned to me back in September 2022 has not made enough progress.

My boss kept putting things off and rescheduling our meetings. She even moved yesterday’s meeting, at the last minute, to today and I declined – proposing Monday instead because I’m not spending a Friday evening making up for our lost time.

It doesn’t matter because her boss scheduled a meeting for this afternoon to see the progress and get his long-awaited update.

Oh well.

Qué será, será.

December 31, 2022

This too shall pass.

New Year’s Eve.

I would describe 2022 as the “Year of Despair.” A constant struggle with employers, finances, and relatives. There were several unexpected events from my son cutting us off again, the death of Sammy, a YouTube video that went viral, and the arrival of Jaxx.

We Miss You Sammy

We did what we could during those tough times and emotional challenges. The horizon of 2023 has inclement weather, and we know how to prepare for the storm.

In all things, this too shall pass.

Happy New Year.

December 15, 2022

More outages.

More power outages at work and now, my phone is having battery issues.

My boss keeps moving and canceling our one-on-one meetings. I don’t understand why this keeps happening. The vibe here is much like the negative vibe at my previous job.

This is a Glassdoor comparison between my former employer and current employer. Same energy and now I see why.

By the way, I completed my holiday shopping.

December 9, 2022

The last full moon.

My adult life is an extension of my childhood. The joke is too funny for laughs.

All of my mentors are no longer with us. I miss their counsel and sound advice.

I remember my eagerness to grow up. I thought the experience that comes with getting older would make the journey easier.

Traveling by the light of the last full moon.

November 16, 2022

This morning, I watched Star Wars – “Andor” on Disney+. Excellent episode and a brilliant series.

I read Amazon is laying off approximately 10,000 employees. Most of the reductions are happening in their tech division. This is a massive number despite being just 3% of the total workforce.

We’re halfway through November. How did this happen? The month just started.

November 14, 2022

Another weekend evaporated.

Saturday, I watched Jo Koy and David A. Arnold on Netflix. I caught Dave Chappelle’s monologue on Saturday Night Live (SNL).

Yesterday, I watched “Wakanda Forever.”. I thought it was good and I will probably go see it again.

This morning, I left for work very early to drop my daughter off at her job. There were a few disruptions to my morning routine; the day feels off.

Happy Monday.

November 3, 2022

The morning drive to work is indicative of the vibe this week. I am having a hard time mentally dealing with things.

My job isn’t getting better, and the ad-hoc assignments that have nothing to do with my role are triggering negative memories and feelings from my previous job. I completed my 90-day probation; it was the longest 3-months of the year.

There are several things due for repairs both home and autos; a financial challenge for the most part.

Reading the comments from a video I posted a week ago. Some things should go without saying.

My in-laws seem to be doing well, all things considered. No unplanned trips to the hospital are a win in my book.

Have a great day.

October 25, 2022

We’ve entered Scorpio season.

The office was a little empty, yesterday. I think some of the ones out were sick. My daughter left work early for the same reason.

Last night, Jaxx kept barking in the living room. When I went to check on him I found him barking at the container with Sammy’s ashes.

My mother-in-law called my wife this morning to make sure everyone was okay. She said she had an overwhelming urge to do so. I accidentally pricked my finger with a needle before she called, maybe that was it.

Brittney Griner was sentenced to nine years in a Russian penal colony for bringing cannabis into their country.

Leslie Jordan died.

Hordes of Havoc

My life traverses a weary circle; a hollow atmosphere pollutes the seasons.

Experience has lost its meaning.

My famished darkness, tempted by the bloated hordes of havoc.

Provoking this quiet wrath.

Everything is uncertain. My days end writing my acquaintance, Death, a letter; the pages heft with regret

September 15, 2022

We are halfway through September. I haven’t started my downsizing project, which will put me behind schedule. Jaxx is getting more and more comfortable in his new home. My nephew started boot camp this week with the National Guard.

Yesterday, my boss approached me about managing a team of project managers. It’s more responsibility, and none of the team members coming on board have experience. As a project manager, I have no power but only my projects to manage. For me, it’s better not to manage people, but I would have authority over my team.

I had a good conversation about mindset and going with the flow. This topic led me to deep self-reflection and opportunities for change.

There is much to do and a lot to consider.

September 13, 2022

Monday felt weird.

I didn’t hear from my boss, and she canceled my 1:1 without warning, which was odd. A co-worker is distancing herself from a project I was pulled into. I’m out of the loop on projects that I am tracking. I don’t understand what is happening.

The same situation is occurring here that occurred at my previous job. What am I doing wrong?

Maybe it was the rain.

September 7, 2022

Two weeks away from the Autumnal Equinox, the first day of Autumn. Everything starts to age and whither. I’m ready for the year to end; maybe one year, I’ll stop saying that.

I’m putting my “future” plans on hold for the moment. I am starting to downsize and get rid of things with no value. My cryptocurrency is worth less than my savings account, which is disappointing.

Jaxx is having the cone removed tomorrow. Maybe he’ll see things differently.

September 2022