January 30, 2024

The day started “off.”

The day started “off” this morning; I woke up unable to recall my dream; I could feel it but not remember it. I did calisthenics and felt a slight pain in my left knee. I left for work later than planned; traffic seemed more congested. The atmosphere feels heavy; I hope the weight lightens soon.

Hordes of Havoc

My life traverses a weary circle; a hollow atmosphere pollutes the seasons.

Experience has lost its meaning.

My famished darkness, tempted by the bloated hordes of havoc.

Provoking this quiet wrath.

Everything is uncertain. My days end writing my acquaintance, Death, a letter; the pages heft with regret


I exist in a place of confusion; perspiration has the scent of chaos.

My father visits my dreams, but he doesn’t recognize me.

The ebb and flow of warnings erode the existence of time.


Seeds of resurrection.

Childish games they continue playing. Those lingering lies were their truth as fairy tales.

I stepped away. For a moment, my thoughts I quietly transcribed—a world of burning embers. I returned, and everything I knew turned to ashes.

Memories no longer forgotten.

In the Distance

I thought things would get better as I got older. So much experience to make the journey easier. Then I realized, I should have changed my ways.

The world is a bully that torments me for decades. My experience doesn’t make up for my mental state that is withering away.

Familiarity is now in the distance. I don’t recognize this place. Anxiety occupies the space. There is no refuge for the one who is damaged, no rest for the one who is in despair.

I thought things would get better instead, I’m just getting older.


A sense of panic lingers. Words spewed to comfort. It’s not over. Garbled dreams and nightmares so vivid. Time is forced to rewind. We’ve shut our doors again.

In the Valley

This valley is void of life. My days are wasted and my nights are restless. I’m bankrupt because of good deeds. My thoughts gathered in an empty space. The shadows tell me there’s no reason to be here.


Our time collected things unchanged. This future abates.

After Life

I lie awake for days. My mind’s endless pontification. A restart requires a heavy price. All my hard work erased. However, there is nothing left to prove. The evidence carries a message of truth. After life comes death. There are things I must do.


A sudden fracture within the norm gave way to an unexpected tragedy. A single infection shut down the world. Despite the unprecedented events, we sought peace and equality. Our reality is now planted in a virtual world. A King showed us the meaning of strength and commitment; a loss we cannot recover. Politicians forsaking the lives of a nation for personal gain. A journey without led to paths within. Every moment is a story we will not forget.


Smoke and Ash

I performed a ritual
in the shadow of a new moon.
A burning sacrifice
to release the negativity.

I doubted the outcome.
In the wake of events,
maybe I was wrong
to have the disbelief.


I am sitting beneath
the rain of contemplation,
wanting a relationship
free of ridiculous expectations.

I dream of nights
with intimate conversations.
I want to experience companionship
without stipulations.

I am longing for the sunshine.

The Void

From the equinox through the solstice, I’ve watched the passing of each new moon. So much of my time spent in darkness. I don’t know what to think anymore.

It’s a disturbing notion.

The abortion of love and compassion gives life to relentless greed. I watched the death of strangers and felt the weight of grief. My mind can’t process this reality.

I keep losing the words of a prayer. The sky reveals a suppressed sadness; a pending tragedy. There is no finale.

I’m not ready; I wish this would end so I can sleep again.