March 18, 2024

Life and Death.

My wife learned about the deaths of a family member and a friend yesterday.

I struggled with sleeping all night due to weird dreams and thoughts about work. I updated my cover letter and applied for additional roles this morning.

Dealing with life and death remains a challenge.

Happy Monday

March 6, 2023

The strange vibe during my morning drive.

Everyone is feeling better and getting back into their routines.

Last night, I watched “The Last of Us” episode 8, which was excellent. This series overall is well done. I am looking forward to next week’s season finale.

I didn’t sleep well due to wind gusts throughout the night. This might account for that strange vibe during my morning drive.

Have a great day and Happy Monday.

August 31, 2022

It’s been 45-days since leaving my last job for this one and 30-days since my start date. Nothing has changed. I have to ride this out for a while.

This week, my father-in-law had his second hip replacement surgery, and we are seeing the further progression of my mother-in-law’s Alzheimer’s disease.

I hate to admit it – I’m in pain. The pain in my shoulder and arm has spread to my neck and chest. Maybe it was the way I slept.

I don’t want to grow old.


A sudden fracture within the norm gave way to an unexpected tragedy. A single infection shut down the world. Despite the unprecedented events, we sought peace and equality. Our reality is now planted in a virtual world. A King showed us the meaning of strength and commitment; a loss we cannot recover. Politicians forsaking the lives of a nation for personal gain. A journey without led to paths within. Every moment is a story we will not forget.



I am sitting beneath
the rain of contemplation,
wanting a relationship
free of ridiculous expectations.

I dream of nights
with intimate conversations.
I want to experience companionship
without stipulations.

I am longing for the sunshine.

Waning into the Night

It’s been a long time; people come and go with ease. With each new acquaintance, I find a piece of familiarity to the one no longer around. The world has become stale these days. I lost my best friend five years ago; I am still coping with the loss, hard to believe. Love slowly diminishes; the universe reveals the night with time.

Dark Times

Voodoo ebb and flow; Summer setting on the horizon. My fancy white linen crumples to a dirty gray mound. Wicked vibes are rippling. The days are getting shorter; I can feel the chill of darkness behind me. Another spell is cast. Night is expected and still disturbing.


We are lying on the ground, face down, in the dirt. The filth covers our wounds; our blood is a clot in our veins. We cannot stop coughing. Death came for a visit, but it did not linger. We have accepted the horror; our reality is vanishing in the night.

Damaged Days

I lie awake at night, unable to sleep. I have never felt the weight of chaos this immensely, so much time wasted in isolation. Now, I’m waist-deep in tragedy; the moist emotions staining my clarity of thought. There are people I wish to forgive, but I remember the betrayals. I wonder whether evil will visit tomorrow. I have lost my sense of time.

Rest in Peace

I did not sleep well.

I dreamt of the unfamiliar.
Darkness for hours.
Silence into the morning.

I miss seeing the sunrise.


Tiny snowflakes; gentle kisses.
Wishing for eternity.
Sobering chill of the night.

Simple Finale

The thought of growing old in this world concerns me.  This life of constant judgment and turmoil is not my Utopia.  We are left with the maddening ways of an untoward generation.   Life’s finale grows in complication.  I wish for a simple ending; to reach my destination on this inward journey.



It’s happening again;
these wayward feelings
seeking comfort in the night.

Listening to the rain
beckoning a return
to dreams; expectations
whispering in our ears.

These long summer nights
are coming to an end; the
promise is a lie that we hoped
to obtain.

We said goodnight to hide
the truth; we will never
see each other again.