February 27, 2022

The week started quickly; Monday felt heavy and empty. Things could have gone better, but that was not the case. Our finances require us to rob Peter in or to pay Paul. I have to postpone my tooth pull, hoping that the infection doesn’t come back. My car needs maintenance soon. My employer continues increasing my workload; “we’re changing lives” is the reason they tell me.

The applications I submitted have come back with rejections. There is a lesson to learn here, but I don’t know what it is.

February 17, 2022

The atmosphere created a much darker mood this week. I’m feeling another increase in stress. I reached out to my former boss to check on him since his departure in January 2022. He says he’s doing fine, and I hope that’s the case.

I am applying to opportunities with better pay and compensation because doing what I enjoy is unaffordable. It’s time I started making time for the improvement of my well-being.

February 13, 2022

I spent the week facilitating another new hire training class. Mid-week, someone decided to schedule me for an interview session with a candidate 30-minutes before my class started. On Thursday, I was asked at the last minute to participate in the company’s 5th-anniversary celebration that day by sharing my thoughts on a random word selected for me.

I decided to cancel my interview for a role with another start-up as I feel it is another lousy variation of my job.

The VP of Finance was still renegotiating the LMS contract, asking for more concessions. I feel the vendor isn’t going to want to do business with us if she keeps this up.

Today, I completed my tax return filing with the IRS. My plan was to use the refund to have dental work done on my cracked tooth and abscess. My out-of-pocket cost is over $1,000; today, I learned that my 2021 refund is $28.00. I guess the bright side is I don’t owe the IRS money.

February 8, 2022

I applied to a company in San Francisco, CA, for a remote position. I did my initial research to learn that it is an early-stage startup company. My experience with startup companies has not been good; the present situation included. I am contemplating canceling my interview appointment, but I don’t want to close the door on an opportunity that could be positively different.

Another tough decision.

February 4, 2022

Today, we met with the LMS vendor, and the VP of Finance got them to make the changes she wanted, including reducing the number of users by 70%. We can’t afford to make the annual payment as she asked if we could do monthly instead of annually. The contract allows either annually or bi-annually. It appears we didn’t have the budget to do this.

So, with the scope changing for the number of LMS users (from 250 to 75), the user setup will take much longer because it is now incremental across the business. Seventy-five users are less than the headcount provided by the VP of Finance on February 4, 2022. (Vegas CS – 40, Phil CS – 65, Phil sales – 21). There is no value in doing all of this work for seventy-five users.

Dream – February 3, 2022

I was on a mission with Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell) and two other people. We parked outside the door of a hotel. We each had to take a different elevator. Queen escorted us to our respective elevator before heading to his rendezvous location. I noticed people arriving, and they blocked our vehicle. I wandered around, looking for a way out, and couldn’t find one.

I woke up before the situation ended.

February 2, 2022

Brian sent another letter explaining that he is not attempting to become the sole beneficiary of my late father’s estate. This letter is his opportunity to cover his tracks, given that legal petition he sent to everyone. Things are getting uglier, and people in his circle are getting exposed.

The VP of Finance wants to change the terms of the signed LMS contract at my job. She claims that we should not spend money on licenses we won’t use right away. The contract is for 2-years, and the 250 licenses is a conservative growth number. We want a system to use and scale based on business needs and growth. She asked me why my plan included the entire company. I let her know that it was in my proposal. The same proposal that she allegedly reviewed.

The Lunar New Year drama continues.

February 1, 2022

It’s the start of a Lunar New Year; every moment has caught me off guard. I took my daughter to work for her 5:45 am shift. We were 15 minutes early, and her trainer was 10 minutes late. A manager moved a class I scheduled to conduct tomorrow to today. This situation left me unprepared despite my concern; I had to do it regardless. I received critical feedback from a Finance Exec about a Learning Management System contract terms after giving the go-ahead. This situation was avoidable since she allegedly reviewed the contract and the proposal.

Today I learned that I should not trust one of my kids who like to gossip and is never wrong.