March 27, 2022

The first week of Spring, but it felt like Summer. Those on the East Coast will likely disagree. Another week of long hours and unrealistic expectations at work. We celebrated my grandson’s eighth birthday over the weekend. He is growing up quickly.

I watched stand-up comedy performed by Earthquake, Arsenio Hall, and Jeff Foxworthy on Netflix. I’m a fan of “dad jokes,” apparently. My horoscope predicts a rough week, next week. Maybe I should buy some weed if I smoked weed.


Seeds of resurrection.

Childish games they continue playing. Those lingering lies were their truth as fairy tales.

I stepped away. For a moment, my thoughts I quietly transcribed—a world of burning embers. I returned, and everything I knew turned to ashes.

Memories no longer forgotten.

March 20, 2022

My horoscope says today is the luckiest day of the month for me.

The Vernal Equinox welcomes us to Spring. The temperature is pleasant; the wind not so much. Yesterday, I took my car for an oil change; the inspection write-up was an expensive list. The price of gasoline isn’t getting any cheaper either. Ukrainian President Zelensky says if his negotiations with Putin fail, we could enter World War 3.

Things are not looking good.

March 18, 2022

A week of themes started on Sunday, 3/13, with Daylight Saving Time; “Spring Forward.” Monday, 3/14, constituted “Pi Day,” a day of eating discount pies. Tuesday, 3/15, the “Ides of March,” I spent the day keeping my back to the wall. Wednesday, 3/16, “3:16 Day,” about Stone Cold Steve Austin (Austin 3:16); I think he released a new lager beer that day. Thursday, 3/17, “St. Patrick’s Day,” someone at work asked where my ‘green’ was. I responded, “in my wallet.”

Happy Friday.

Rest in peace, Scott Hall.

March 7, 2022

I arrived at work to an email from the Sr. Product Manager, sent to me Sunday evening. It was a request to update training dates across business areas that I’m not responsible for. Who made this decision?

This is not the job I applied for nor accepted.

I learned that another employee decided to leave the company. I genuinely liked her.

March 6, 2022

The war between Russia and Ukraine continues. It was another stressful week at work. The continual spike in gas prices is alarming. My former boss let me know that she applied for a senior manager role where I now work; this is not good.

My grandsons spent the weekend with us. It was a much-needed break for them. So much has happened in their lives, and I could see the effects. We ate junk food and drew pictures. I showed the oldest how to shoot an arrow with a bow, and he loved it.

This weekend was a much-needed break for me as well.