April 22, 2022

The mood at work this week was dismal. Many of us are processing the feedback received. Despite the “fun” activities the new VP is committing to, the work behind the scenes feels cut-throat. The days feel numbered.

I haven’t heard back since my interviews last week; maybe things didn’t go as well as they seemed. It was good to connect with old colleagues nonetheless. I’m going to put this behind me.

A couple of days ago, a recruiter contacted me for an interview; I had that interview yesterday. I’m not sure how it went as the hiring manager was very laid back and difficult to read. He didn’t ask many questions, and I had to use the time to sell him on my ability to do the job. I failed at that moment because I wasn’t sure I wanted that job.

Next week is round two of executive visits. I feel exhausted.

April 17, 2022

This week, I experienced an unexpected turn of events.

On April 6, 2022, I told my former boss that it was time for a career change and that I should go back to project management. Five days later, a director from a company I worked with contacted me about a project management opportunity. He received my resume from his boss due to a different position I applied for (training management related), and he thought this opportunity was a better fit. I had three interviews, all of which seemed to go well.

I won’t get my hopes up, but we will see what happens next.

April 13, 2022

Yesterday, I had an interview due to happenstance. I have a couple of panel interviews this week, so we will see what happens. Things may once again come full circle.

I had my first one-on-one with the new Vice President of Global Customer Success. He was apologetical 20-minutes late. We discussed his observations during his visit last week. It seems he wants to do the right things. Then we discussed my role.

“We don’t know what to do with you,” is the feedback I received.

My role is broad and uncategorized. I reflect on the original job description that enticed my interest. How did I get here?

I have realized that people don’t know what they are doing, which often happens at every level. The sad part is that I don’t know how to help them without causing further damage to my mental health.

April 7, 2022

So, this week the company CEO visited us. After his last visit in December 2021, I was not looking forward to it. He had me feeling horrible the last time, so I expected more of the same. He did not disappoint.

Our one-on-one meetings feel like interrogations. I am often caught off guard without knowing how to answer the questions because it could result in an unintended throwing of someone under the bus. This moment happened yesterday as it did in December.

He never asked about my business needs nor acknowledged any of my accomplishments. He shared with me the negative feedback from the team leads that the training programs were terrible and told me to focus on fixing that issue.

I see him as an antagonist, not a leader.

April 3, 2022

Work continues to keep me busy. We launched a new onboarding program and the new learn platform. I’m feeling burnt out, which is unfortunate because our new vice president and the chief executive officer are visiting next week.

We’ve all been talking about Will Smith slapping Chris Rock. Marvel released “Moon Knight” on Disney Plus. Bruce Willis retired from acting due to his aphasia diagnosis. Inflation continues to affect the cost of living.

A coworker informed me that an employee who visited our office earlier this week tested positive for Covid-19; my time with this employee exposed me to the virus. Fortunately, my test result was negative.

There’s another Covid-19 Omicron variant; who keeps letting these variants escape their multiverse? Did I mention Wrestlemania?